


Truffles are a leap of faith. They offer an exotic flavor profile and command a significant market price. However, they’re notoriously difficult to cultivate given growth takes place on the root under the soil making any signs of progress difficult. Currently Rusted Gate Farm is testing a crop of truffle spore-inoculated oak trees. Our truffle varieties include French Black Truffles (Quercus robur with tuber melanosporum) and Burgundy truffles (Quercus robur with tuber aestivum). Soil preparation began in 2014 with the application of 100 tons of high score soluble lime on 3.3 acres for three years to raise the pH from 5.6 to approximately 7.6 to 8. The normal pH for crops to grow well is 6.5 to 7. The pH is important for the truffles to thrive. We are creating an environment that is beneficial for the growth of truffles. The truffle crop is a long term experiment with 800 trees being planted during the past three years. We estimate the harvest will be ready in 7 to 10 years.

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